Smallmouth/Pike Wade Trips

COST: $500.00 Full day
COST: $300.00 Half day
Is your trip lined up? Ready to pay your deposit or your balance?
DEPOSIT: $200.00
- Cost - $500.00
- Full day and half day option ($300.00)
- 1-2 anglers
- A lunch will be provided and can be either a grilled lunch back at the put-in or a cold lunch on the river, depending on the location and client(s) wants.
- All equipment, leader/tippet material, and flies will be provided, however, feel free to bring your own.
- Dress appropriate for the weather and air temperature.
- Waders/wading boots are most appropriate depending on the time of year, however, George does not provide these. If you plan to wet wade, synthetic, quick dry materials are advised. Do not wear shorts - waders or long quick dry pants are a must.
Ready to go fishing?
Send us a booking request or buy a gift certificate using the form below. Or call us at (262) 325-1159.

Book a trip or buy a gift certificate for a trip
What to Expect/Timeline
Expect to be walking and wading a small river all day. I will use two local southern Wisconsin rivers and the size ranges from a one lane road to approximately three lanes to give you some perspective. You will be on your feet and actively moving through the river. Plan on being in the water most of the day and spots can get as high as waist deep. We will fish streamers, crawfish patterns, and topwater frogs depending on the time of year and what the fish are feeding on. George will choose a location that is a best match for your physical ability, fly fishing experience, and overall goals for the day.
Here is a general timeframe, however, times are subject to change depending on location, season, and conditions.
- 7:30 Arrival, meet/greet, and gear up
- 8:00 Begin fishing
- 12:00 Noon 30 minute Lunch Break
- 4:00 End fishing and walk back to the put-in or shuttle
About the Trip
George and the client(s) will meet at an arranged location depending on the river and section we will be fishing. We can meet for breakfast or at the river. The two rivers we will fish are located in southern Wisconsin and provide miles of high quality smallmouth bass and Northern Pike water. No matter what river or section of river, expect to catch plenty of bass and the opportunity for a 20”+ trophy. Both rivers also contain high numbers of Pike and we can also target those with similar flies and a bite wire tippet for these toothy critters. Northern Pike up to 40” live in these rivers and can provide an amazing strike and fight on a fly rod.
*Waiver & Release of Liability Claims and Assumption of Risk Acknowledgement
All patrons of In the Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service must complete the waiver form before the beginning of any fishing trip. I hereby acknowledge that participating in fishing activities presents a risk of personal injury, death, and damage or loss of personal property which may result from, but is not limited to the following: fishing bodies of water; boarding and un-boarding of watercrafts; natural hazards including, but not limited to, lightning storms and other adverse weather conditions, domestic or wild animals, fires, travel either on foot or in a vehicle in unfamiliar terrain or over fences and other structures, artificial and natural obstructions, and unimproved roads as well as traveling in company owned vehicles. I hereby acknowledge and recognize the existence of these risks, and ASSUME ALL RISKS COMPLETELY, and agree that I SHALL HOLD HARMLESS AND TAKE NO ACTIONS OR SUITS, FOR DEBTS, DUES, SUMS OF MONEY, CLAIMS OR DEMANDS WHATSOEVER AT LAW OR IN EQUITY against In the Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service and its owners, agents, and employees, his or her heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, property or other guides or aides for injury, death, property damage or loss associated with relating to or arising from those risks enumerated above or otherwise that occur while I am participating in any stage of a fishing package trip(s) with said guide or charter service. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless released parties from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use of In the Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service’s equipment, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of released parties. Should In The Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service, or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. This means that I will pay all of those attorney’s fees and costs myself. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage that I may cause of suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition that I may have. I understand and acknowledge that by signing this document that I have given up certain legal rights and/or possible claims, which I might otherwise assert or maintain against In The Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service and its owners, agents, officers and employees. These rights are specifically, but not limited to, rights arising from claims or demands for acts of omissions or negligence in any degree of In The Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service, their guides, aides and all other related persons or entities. Under no circumstances will In The Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service and/or its owners, agents, and employees be held liable for damages in excess of the price of the price of the trip. I understand that this contract reflects our entire agreement and that my signature indicates that I have read and understand this document and that I have signed this document of my own free will. I understand that this waiver applies to any and all trips I participate in with In The Flow Fly Fishing Guide Service and its owners, agents, and employees. I further state that I am of lawful age to sign this release and waiver agreement or that I am signing it on behalf of a minor for whom I am legally responsible. If signing for a minor you are legally responsible for, please sign again below.
Waiver for minor
For a print out of the Waiver & Release of Liability Claims and Assumption of Risk Acknowledgement click here.
Phone: (262) 325-1159